These three are some that I really am quite pleased with. While playing Cranium one night I was inspired by a friend and her scribble of... King Kong. Except that I had to, y'know. Do it BETTER. (I'm terrible, I know.) So I went home, did a couple of studies and dove into it feet first.
And on another random note. People, just because I draw and I like to draw and I work to get better at it does not mean I am the natural candidate for drawing... with my eyes closed. Really. George, I'm talking to you.
But, back to the topic at hand. It's in this picture that I realize how much farther I need to come when we talk about my ability to ink. And to draw inanimate objects in general. This is difficult, because I have about as much time as, well. Let's just say I work 11-12 hour days, and my attention span is about, uh. That of maybe a 12 year old preteen's. Said attention span petered out right about the time when I needed to finish up the Empire State Building. I also do blame the lack of photo references from the TOP of the building. You have no idea now many images were from the bottom up.
That said, King Kong!
Everybody on the team had a specialty. Paul's was acting, mine was humming, your's was drawing, and Mike's was...his was guessing, I guess.
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