Monday, September 15, 2008

Yes, that is Vader. Did some rough studies in preparation for a gift for a friend. Surprisingly fun to do- fun to draw and shade and doodle in general. I need to remember to just let go and enjoy myself more when drawing. Making mistakes and learning and having fun through all this is probably the aspect I lose the easiest. I am so far from where I want to be.
This... surprised me. It is most definitely a first- multiple subjects and a story and inks and some sort of inanimate objects? It's not too bad for a first attempt. I also stopped angsting over how I could not ink perfectly and just had fun and let loose. Yes, it is Adam and Eve (that's why they're nekkid!!) and you have no idea how much of a pain it was to get all of their bits covered up. I had started this with the idea of using it as an illustration for a Sunday School lesson and went from there.

And no, I did not use this with the kids. Please. Give me more credit than that. Also ignore Adam's proportion, I don't know how I made such a huge mistake.

No real comments on these two images. They were mostly doodles that I sat down to do. I like to think going for the open studio sessions and working with live models has helped my understanding of things a bit. I see things I both like and dislike about both images. And my word, what is up with how this chick butchers faces, dude?!

Skydolls. I walked into a comic store one day intending to find The End League or Body Bags, only to walk out with this and multiple other things. I've wanted- nay, coveted Skydolls for a Long, LONG time. Alessandro Barbucci and Barbara Canepa are genuises in their own right, so I came home and did this little doodle. The actual inks were brushed on right before I scanned it in- I liked it but it was too light to really see as I hadn't been intent on finishing it. I butchered her tail. I need to invest in some whiteout.

This was inspired after I had flipped through an issue of Inked magazine one Saturday afternoon. I wanted to come home and render the heck out of some gorgeous girl's back tattoo. Needless to say it didn't happen. Not only that, but I think there's something off about the whole image. But her angel wings were beautiful.

Just doodles- I'm still catching up on Gossip Girl and I adore Blair's style. This is actually rather EW. I need to do a better image sometime.

Now this was interesting. Just ran through scans and came across a black and white cinema beefcake site. This was a still from a movie about a wife who helps her drunk of her husband overcome his addiction to alcohol. I was pleased with it when I drew it, now I don't like it. :P

I am vaguely bemused by how I never seem to be able to nail something. If the body is great there's something just OFF about the face. Taken off of a photo of my sister. She is much prettier than this, just so you know.

Taken off a Drawing Jam image of one of my favorite male stars- Ewan Mcgregor. And, errrr. Let's not think about why his pocket is so far in front.

Attempted shading. My word, I see so many issues with this now.

This is incomplete, actually. It's a slightly more finished version of some funky pose my sister was sprawled in on the floor one day.
This was done off of a picture of a friend on Facebook. It was taken after she had won runner up in the Miss Phoenix Chinese pagent. I was struck by how gorgeous she looked here- the picture is a resemblance but doesn't do her justice.